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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Im making a mask of my face.!! And need help.!! Please.!!?

Question: Im making a mask of my face!.!! And need help!.!! Please!.!!!?
Ok well i made a mask of my face for this project made out of kind of like plaster cast or gypsum!. So it got really hard, but I want to know how to make it smooth because im going to have to decorate it, paint it you know make it pretty but cant do it if it has little bumps!. also if any of yall have an idea of how to paint it!. I want to make it kind of chinese but really pretty!.!! It covers my whole face!.!! Its due Monday and i really need the help thanks!.!! 10 points!.!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Using a narrow rubber spatula or fingers, spread spackle (hardware store) as smoothly as possible over the mask!. Keep this as thin a coat as possible to not loose the face details!. Allow to dry completely!. Then sand with very fine sandpaper!. Wipe off excess powder then paint!.
You may want to seal with an acrylic sealer before you paint!. It will paint up better and waste less paint!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can try sanding it!. Start with a lower grit (400) and work your way up to a higher grit (4000) to make it smooth!. Do not wet it, or it will dissolve!. For painting, you can try stencils or acrylic paints!.!.!.Maybe a primer (Gesso) to even out the color and make it easier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Remember to have breathing holes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com