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Question: Anime Sites - How To Create Profitable Anime Sites!?
I'm interested in putting up an anime site but am a little short of ideas and inspiration as to how to go about doing it!. Sites that show how to develop anime sites from scratch be useful!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Take a look at 'Create An Anime Site' by anime master James Lee!. It's a full-fledged guide that shows you how to create your own anime site (complete with characters, storylines) and actually sell them for profit!.

It's like an Ebay concept applied to Anime sites which makes it both unique and interesting!. I personally like the concept a lot and am developing a site on the exact same guidelines!.

Give it a shot!. It's all about your love for anime!Www@QuestionHome@Com