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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Tell me what do ya'll think about my illustrations!!?

Question: Tell me what do ya'll think about my illustrations!!!?
I would love any feed back,because i do hope to do this full time!.Could you see these in or on childrens books!?
here is the link http://latonyaingram!.blogspot!.com/
there are 2 pagesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I disagree with the other posts - I don't think you need to work on the proportion of your figures at all!. I don't think I've ever seen a children's book where the drawings of characters were completely true to life!

I absolutely love your pictures; I especially like that they're painted; people often make the mistake that an illustration has to be a line drawing with block colour, or that illustrations should be done on the computer!.

You should definitely get in contact with publishers or authors about using your pictures; I think they would be eager to have you on board!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they are wonderful and its great that your into that sort of thing,
but i didnt see any messages from your artworks!.
they are very good, but if you put more of your feelings into them im sure you will be even better than you are,
the more feelings and emotions you put into your artwork the more inspired and amazed the person will feel when they see your piece!.

the mixing of the colors is very good!.
the paintings, if meant to be symbolical and expresionist, there's no need to work on body proportions!. however if you intend to portray a realistic effect, you need to work on it!. but i can say it is really goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think they are very good, but you need to work on some of the faces and the positioning of the body, e!.g!. arching of the back,and as everyone else said, you need to be expressing something, try to put across a message so your artwork will have more depthWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think they are wonderful!.
i really like the water colour one!.
you should take them to a few different publishers and see what they say!.


I think you are OK

Try to tell some messages from your drawing like great artistWww@QuestionHome@Com