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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Camera question: bottom of DSLR's?

Question: Camera question: bottom of DSLR's!?
okay i own a sony a 100 and i've been seeing these thing popping up on the bottom of DSLR's and call me stupid if you want but what are these things heres a pic of one:

someone explain to me what they are please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, it's called a vertical grip!. I've got them on my Nikon bodies and I love them!. Extra battery power, extra gripping action, and a vertical shutter button!. Plus, the camera looks cool with them!

I see they make them for the A700, but I don't believe they're avaliable for the A100!.


Maybe you'll find a good deal on an A700 body on Ebay and keep the A100 as a backup!?

Happy shooting!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hopefully if it's like mine, it holds extra batteries--so you can go all day shooting away!. also, it may have a vertical shutter button--so you can rotate the camera and take "side-way" photos, too!. And this http://www!.bhphotovideo!.com/c/product/12!.!.!. is connected to the top & bottom and the camera won't slip out of your hand!. :-)

p!.s!. It was not a stupid question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is called Battery Grip!. It will let you shoot more Frames Per Second and your battery's will last longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com