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Position:Home>Visual Arts> When at an indoor rock concert.....what are some tips for taking decent photos?

Question: When at an indoor rock concert!.!.!.!.!.what are some tips for taking decent photos!?
I see these people with their cell phone cameras, and little point n shoot digitals taking photos!.!.!.!.it's a waste of time, cuz you always end up with very poor photographs!. I have a canon S5 IS!.!.!.any tips on how to take pics indoors, in the dark conditions vs the bright stage lighting!? Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sorry, but the S5 IS is just not good enough of a camera for 'decent' low light shooting, which needs a high ISO (800, 1600, 3200)!. The S5 IS is barely ok to about ISO 200, very noisy at ISO 400!.!.!.and produces unsightly, unusable noisy images at ISO 800 and 1600!.

You need a dSLR and fast lens for decent low light shooting!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A couple of tips, spot or ideally multi spot metering is a must for stage lighting if your camera has it, I'm not familar with the S5!. shooting in RAW gives you the best chance of getting a sellable results!. If must use flash the Gary Fong or Lambency flash diffusers are great, it looks silly like a lampshape on your flashgun but they give very even lighting, you'll need to play with your flash settings!. Without flash which is most likely exposure can range so much from 1/8 @ f2!.8 to 1/500 @ f11 with a big heavy zoom lens you'll need something to hold it steady either a monopod or a tripod with a fluid head depending on what space you have arround you!. tripods are great sometimes but if the legs are going to keep being kicked there's almost no point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The stage is daylight bright, don't use a flash it only lights up the atmosphere around you!. A cameras built in flash normally only travels well to about 10 feet anyway!. Use highest ISO that looks good on your camera and hold very steady (no arms out shots!) to your face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

High speed film (ISO 800 or more) and manually set the camera to make it think the ISO is double that!. Have the film processed at a specialty lab and tell them it was pushed 1 stop!.

Use a tripod and a remote release!.

Forget about digital!.Www@QuestionHome@Com