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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone know how to make homemade plaster. I remember making it as a kid in

Question: Does anyone know how to make homemade plaster!. I remember making it as a kid in school but 4got how to!.!. Thanx
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best way to make plaster is to go to Michael's and buy the powdered plaster (gypsum)!. I think it's called modeling plaster, but if you ask the sales clerk they should know!.!.!.it is the same plaster they use to make those little child handprint things!?

When you mix it, generally use two parts plaster to one part water!. First, measure out the water into a large bucket (if you need me to approximate on how much you will need for the project, let me know)!. Slowly add the plaster to the water, but do not stir at first (plaster mixes itself), until you see a peak (where plaster has built up enough that it comes our of the water), and when you hit about for peaks you have enough plaster!. Gently mix the plaster, making sure not to upset the setting!. Plaster works best when it is set enough that it briefly holds a form on its own (like if you ran your finger through it!?), but you can still work with it!.

Usually, you can use one of those Rubbermaid white tubs, about one quarter of the way full will cover two hands or a face!.!.!. If you are casting a body part or object, make sure you grease the object well with Vaseline!

Do not try to re-wet the plaster, as it will dissolve!. Leave it to dry overnight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want to make real homemade plaster, (Not just sutff bought from the store,) this recipe will be cheap and most materials can be found around the house!. There are two recipes depending on which kind of plaster is needed!.

First, you can make a paste that is diluted white glue and warm water!. Basically, you use two parts white glue with one part warm water!. Put the glue and water into a plastic bowl!. Add more water, while stirring the mixture, until you get a soupy mixture!. The final product should be watery yet still have a slight white glue consistency!. This mixture can be used with strips of newspaper also to create paper mache!.

Second, you can create a flour paste to use as real plaster!. Use two to three cups of white flour with one cup to two cups of warm water!. Mix the flour and water in a plastic bowl until there are no lumps, and the consistency is a smooth paste that’s easy to stir!. Let it dry in a mold and whala you have your plaster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How to Make Homemade Chalk | eHow!.com
How to Make Homemade Chalk!. Make your driveway a canvas for your children!. Using tempera paint and plaster create homemade sidewalk chalk for your kids!. They can pick!.!.!.
Disabled Village Children - Chapter 61 (Homemade Casting Materials)
Homemade Casting Materials !.!.!. You can make homemade plaster bandages for as little as !.!.!. Homemade plaster takes longer to get hard than commercial 'fast !.!.!.
www!.dinf!.ne!.jp/doc/english/global/davi!.!.!. - 9k - Cached
Crafts: how to make plaster of paris
Create homemade crafts such as bubble paint, pinatas, paper mache, and sidewalk chalk using Plaster of Paris!. Read on for instructions!.
www!.essortment!.com/hobbies/makeplaster!.!.!. - 12k - CachedWww@QuestionHome@Com

yea i doWww@QuestionHome@Com