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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What jobs are there in art and how does one get into them?

Question: What jobs are there in art and how does one get into them!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there are a lot of jobs in art!.!. the best way to find this info out would be to talk to a counselor if you're in school!.!. they often even have lists with this crap!.!. or go to some art school websites!.

how to get into one depends on what kind of job it is!.!.!. there's illustration, graphic design, videography, paup-i mean painter, to name a small few!. at my job i can count a lot of different art occupations, and i just work in a small commercial photo studio!. there's art directors, set designers, creative director, layout artists, pre-press, post-production design, digital imaging, etc!.

i'm probably biased because i spent the 4 years to get my BFA so i would say the best way to get into a job in the arts is GO TO SCHOOL!. some even have job fairs/ placement programs!. or try and intern/ be the underling at a studio that interests you and does the kind of work you'd want to do!.

hope this sorta helps!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Apart from the commercial world, there are museums and galleries!. Art curators, conservators, librarians, finance directors, retail managers for the commercial side (postcards, reproductions etc), photography, general admin, accountancy, security, legal work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com