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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Learning how to work with photoshop. Anyone need photos edited?

Question: Learning how to work with photoshop!. Anyone need photos edited!?
I got Photoshop about 1 month ago and been doing stuff with my own photos!. My camera is being used by a relative on vacation so i have no photos to take and practice editing skills!. Anyone wanna send me links and i'll edit them and send back if you want!? can help with myspace/facebook or any other images!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hey I got one for ya!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/cabbiinc/22!.!.!.

It's not too exciting, but its got stuff you can fix!.
Lens flare, that bug, noise!.
I was trying to take some creative pics of a lunar eclipse and forgot that I had the ND filter on the camera!. I was shooting 4 stops slower than I had to be!.
You can get as creative as you like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com