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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What kinda drawing is THIS?

Question: What kinda drawing is THIS!?
Is this type of drawing considered anime or what!? I don't know the name of it and I'm not too into the whole cartoonist and drawing stuff!.!.!.!. but I think its cool and was wondering what this style is called so I could search for more pics, thanks!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i'm not quite sure what "type" of drawing it is, however i do recognize that image!.

it is by a girl named Carol!.

you can look through her other creations here:

i consider it american cartoonWww@QuestionHome@Com

looks like tattoo art to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know but its cuteee<333333Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not anime!. It's just common garden-variety illustration such as what you will find in any good children's book!. I don't know who the artist is but the late Trina Schart Hymen did many drawings in a similar style!.

Garden-variety illustration is a richer field than it even has outlets for!. Illustrators like Steve Guarnaccia, who've done everything you can do in the field are practically unknown outside of it!. And the main outlets right now are advertising and childrens' books!. If you have any reservations about hanging out in the childrens room of your library and like beautiful things, get over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com