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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why does the news look different from movies quality wise?

Question: Why does the news look different from movies quality wise!?
The way everything looks on the news looks different from the movies!. Do the movies use a higher quality camera!? What's higher quality about it!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Big screen movies are shoot on 70mm film, its has its own look!. Some productions now use H3D cameras!.

News is shot on digibeta, a different format!.

Digi and film have their own looks!.


TV is on tape, movies are on film (or digital media)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

News--straight from the camera!.

Movies-- look at the main page "before" and "after"

http://www!.efilm!.com/home!.php (Deluxe Laboratories)Www@QuestionHome@Com

News is recorded electronically on video tape!. A modern, big budget production still uses real film to image the movie!.

Gamma, latitude, grain, reproduction and many other variables account for the differences in the look of TV and Movies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Movies are shot over months, and then post processed over months!. They are cut and spliced so much its crazy, although I would guess a lot it is done digitally now!.

The news!.!.!. The anchors are live!. The stories are shot in one or two takes, and if lucky they have a few hours to post process!.

Sheer amount of time in retakes and editing that movies can take that the news cannot!.

Movies also tend to have nice high budgets!. While the news is living on the support of the local economy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com