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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Drawing? Manga readers especially?

Question: Drawing!? Manga readers especially!?
I just drew this today and was just wondering what you guys thought!. I'm not looking to become a professional artist whose art you'd find in a showcase or anything, but maybe just a manga-ka!. I doubt it'll happen, but what do you think!? Would you buy a manga that had art like this or should drawing just remain a pastime!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The critical question is how old are you!? This would greatly influence my answer!.
Generally to improve your drawing skills practice drawing much lighter, you don't need to carve the lines in, build them up gently!.
Practice drawing cubes, cylinders and eggs!. think more 3 dimensionally!.
Keep practicing out of love not in plans of a career!. If your at a point in your life where your looking to start a career then illustration is probably not for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly!? It really bad!. I don't know when you started or how long you have been drawing but you've got a long way to go!. Check up on your anatomy and read some more manga!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is not all that good, but if you were to keep the same style and incorporate it into a large scene, it might look pretty good, just not like manga!. so you would end up with a manga that does not look like the average manga but still could be goodWww@QuestionHome@Com