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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I have a very old 35mm camera. I'm just trying to see what is it worth?

Question: I have a very old 35mm camera!. I'm just trying to see what is it worth!?
I have acquired a very old camera and am wondering if
someone knows its worth!.

I asked this question earlier and got two responses!. The first answer was useless and the second told me to get the camera fixed!. Um, it's not broken!. Thanks anyway

The camera is made by Zeiss/Ikon and the model name is Contessa!. According to the information stamped on the flash mount this camera was manufactured in Stuttgart, Germany in 1944 (64 years old!)!.

Inside the camera there is a sticker that says "Oshman's" which used to be a sporting goods store in the US!.

I would say the camera is in good shape but there are some small scratches!. The camera works as I took some photos and they came out pretty good!. also the built in light meter works!.

The camera came with a leather case but though the leather is in fairly good shape the thread holding it together has disinterested!.

I'm no selling this camera I'm just curious as to what it's worth!. It really is a fine example of German engineeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It could be nazi issue!. Not everything the germans used in ww2 has a swastika on it!. The country of origin and date should be enough to get a good price on ebay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have an old Lieca IIIC and while its old, post WWII old, nevertheless, its not worth a whole lot!. Its in mint condition, works like a charm, razor sharp images and slower then hell to use!.

Lieca was considered the best of the best in 35mm and is still arguably the best!. Pricey as hell, in my opinion, overpriced!.

Since the whole world is going digital yours is only a small nitch market!.

What I would do is just hang onto it!. One day, after you pass it onto your kids, it may be worth a house!.

Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated!.

551 - 479 BC





The stamp saying it was produced in 1944 is a little bit irritating!. Various sources I found state that the 35mm Contessa (folder) started in 1950 only!.
So maybe the flash mount has been replaced with one from a different camera!.
Interesting anyway!.

I also found these articles on re-stitching the leather case
