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Position:Home>Visual Arts> HI, i am 30 years old and considering of either going to follow my long live dre

Question: HI, i am 30 years old and considering of either going to follow my long live dream or starting my own business
My dream is to become a filmmaker!. Would you follow your dream or go for your own business if you believe in its succes!? Can you recomend me some good schools anywhere in the world!? I am thinking about DFA-Digital Film Academy in New York!. Has anybody studied there!? Thank`s for your time!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
School is a good idea!. Don't forget that you need to put food on the table before (and after) you find success - get/keep a day job while you work at your dream!.Www@QuestionHome@Com