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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Good Answer Gets 10 Points?

Question: Good Answer Gets 10 Points!?
I Need a plaster cast and make one !! i need to make one cuz my frined told my mate tht was on holiday tht she jumped on it on the trampoline and broke my wrist now i need to have a cast cuz weve been telling her all about it /// i dont have enough money to buy any equipment how do i makee one :P help!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
just tell your friend that it was a joke!.
Why would you bother to waste your money on a silly joke!? Eventually you have to come clean anyway!. Or you are planning to tell all your teachers and your parents that you broke your wrist!?
If you are bored you could improve your writing style!. More useful!. I doubt you are going to like that answer though!. Sorry, but I think it's a more useful one than telling you how to do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get tape and wrap it with bubble wrap!.!.!.!.don't know reallyWww@QuestionHome@Com