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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What causes someone to be creative?

Question: What causes someone to be creative!?
What causes them to be an observer of things rather than someone that takes part!? Why is it that most artists have a incessant need to express what they see through their own mediums, rather than the obvious societal frame of thought!? Why is it that their thought-forming process is structured differently that the average joe!? Why is it that sometimes it seems like they are prisoners to their own thought process, and seem to over analyze every aspect of a object, moment, or picture that the obvious doesn't provide!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dead End: A artist kills people, people that wish them harm!.

Louis_the_Vampire: Okay!.!.!.

Dead End: An artist is part human and part supernatural!. An artist is born out of a childhood trauma, or out of a disaster …

Louis_the_Vampire: Um!.!.!.

Dead End: … that must be avenged!.

Louis_the_Vampire: Okay, um, you’re thinking of a superhero!.

Dead End: We all have an artist in our heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't recognise many of the symptoms, except for the need to get an idea out of your head, and expressed in some visual form!. If you have ideas that you have to express before you can get rid of them, then you are 'creative', but it's a bit of a sad title!.Www@QuestionHome@Com