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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do i have a natural tallent???

Question: Do i have a natural tallent!?!?!?
Im almost 15, and i was bored so i took these photos!. I have just started studdying photography at school, but i only learn about black and white photography and how to develop films!.!.!.!. Anyway are my photos good!?
(Yes i live in the country sort of area and the photos are of our garden)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
reminds me of me!. haha
it does look like you have an eye but thats only opinion it will allways be opinion never fact anywaythey're fine you have dreams persue them i'm sure can do anything you want to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most are really good a couple were kinda bad though, like the one of that tree with leaves all over it or something in the begining, it was kinda bad!. But the rest are amazin :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

No matter what answers you get to your question here, don't let that dissuade you from taking pictures!. Learning photography is a process!. I think your pictures are pretty!. Always try to think about how to make your photos unusual or striking!. Macro is a great technique as well!. Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are okay for a 15 year old!. I do not think you have a "natural talent!." Photography is something that takes a lot of work, a lot of education, and it is all based on a natural "eye" for seeing the beauty in things!. You need to be able to visualize the way the photo will turn out!. I didn't see any evidence of a natural eye or natural talent in your photos, though!. It just seemed like a kid taking pictures of plants!. Photos are meant to not just be a pretty picture of a pretty thing, they are meant to convey something deeper, a message, a message that can vary from person to person!. I didn't feel that with these!. Keep learning, and maybe it'll click!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are very nice!. I liked the one titled "Tropical plant in darkness"!. The compositions are good!. I would work on lighting and trying to find out what is the focal point of the image (the point of interest)!. You do have talent!. The best thing to do is practice and study other photographers work and to learn your own technique!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought they were good the only comments is if you want to take a picture of a tree then make sure there is an animal or something to make it really interesting! And also you might want to get a better camera because it looks a little fuzzy but it might be the Internet!. On a scale of 1 (worst) 10 (best) i would give you a 7!. My only advice except for the animals and better camera is to never give up because i think they could be in a wildlife magazine!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must be really bored--the exact photos were shown in another question only 1/2 hour prior to this one!. Give people a bit of time to look over your photos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are very raw and snapshotish!.

Continue to take courses and practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't look at your photos!. Developed skill=talent and that comes through practice!. Some people have a natural eye for things the rest of us have to develop the ability to see what we are looking at!. Thats called developing your eye!. The learning to get perfect focus and proper exposure every time, and that take practice!. The key is to develop what is already there, and it does not matter if it is natural or not!. Practice, make mistakes, learn, practice some more, and keep developing skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Natural talent!? Why do people think that art must be in-born!? I believe that almost anyone of normal intelligence can learn the basics of composition and how to work a camera!. You have started out right by taking a class!. If you're interested in photography, you can develop your "natural talent"!.

In your posted pictures, I liked the tropical darkness, the purple flower and the red flower!. The others look like they were taken by a bored 15 year old!. just pointing and snapping at whatever was in the way!. Not a bad thing, practice is always good!. No one makes all great images, no matter how long you've been working at it!. In your class, you will learn about exposure and composition!. Even though the class is B&W film, the fundamentals will apply to digital color as well!. Put your new-found knowledge to work, and continue to learn and grow your skill!. You will find your images get better as you go along!. Have fun and best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should 'watch' me on my deviantart website!.
