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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do u become a taxidermist and any body no and ifo on it?

Question: How do u become a taxidermist and any body no and ifo on it!?
o yea i dont wanna here why stuff animals and all that okWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are schools for it!.
Seriously!. You also need to pay attention to the laws in your country regarding how you can obtain the dead animal bodies!.
But if you live in a town which has a natural history museum they may have a taxidermist to look after their collection!. You could ask for an unpaid internship (museums never have any money!.!.!.) and get some ideas how it is like and some basic training!.
Generally you need to get pretty immune to doing yucky jobs!. Remember, before you can stuff the skin you need to get all the meat off!. If you just want the skeleton from an animal the meat is quite likely to be in a condition where worms already are living in it, can be real fun to get all that off!.!.!.
I did once an internship with a taxidermist in a museum so I know!. Most is probably not suitable for writing on this forum, though it's also interesting, where else do you get to dissect a huge python!?Www@QuestionHome@Com