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Question: Barriers in art!?
im doing individuality

just wondered if you know any photographers/artists that do this!? emotional barriers are good aswell (:

basically anything emotional as i don't want to do physical (walls, doors, locks etc!.!.)

anyway, open for any suggestions please!!
thanks a lot xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I suggest that you look at a copy of Man and his Symbols by C J Jung!.
Psychological barriers , individuallity , and personality are all non- concrete, non-material!. It is only through concrete means that we can really depict these things!.
You can use colour and composition, narrative ( tell a story), symbolism, or other means!.

For an artist-- there are lots but one who used colour, narrative, graffiti, and symbolism would be Jean-michel Basquiat!. Or Henri Magritte!.
Diane Arbus for photography or (gross warning!) Joel Witkin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have a look through the previous answers to the Barriers theme!. I know it's not a good answer, but I've answered various questions over the last couple of weeks!. When you put your question in, they should have appeared!. Trawl through them and pick out anything you think is relevant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com