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Question: I need help NOW!!?
Okay, the time is 7:11pm
And i need a Report On 'James Gleeson' by tomorrow morning for school!.
I know i should probably do it myself, but i have had a lot of time off school due to the flu, and i dont know ANYTHING about him!.
Apparently he's a famous australia surrealism artist!.

Okay, so it needs to have 300-400 words and needs to be in the words of a 14-15 year old!.

The task is "You are to write a 300-400 word critique on your selected painting or drawing (Does not matter which one) by james gleeson!.

You should:
1!. Cite the Artist, Title, Medium (Oil, graphite, pastel!.etc) and size
2!. Breifly introduce who gleeson is & his achievements as an internationally aclaimed artist!.
3!. Give your opinion on how gleeson uses his imagitive ideas and artistic skills to amaze!.
4!. Discuss the artists choice of media and style
5!. Sum it up by pointing out 3 outstanding aspets of the work!."

And a bibliography if possible

Thank you!. =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ive recently had to do 5 of these, they are really easy to do and it would be better for you to do it yourself!. that way ull have more understanding!.
Heres what i do : type the artists name into google and get as much background info on him as you can including his date of birth, his place of birth, jobs, how he got into art etc Write that up and youve got maybe a page!.
Then type his name into google images and select one of his pieces that really interests you!. Find out as much as you can about that pic including how it was made, the materials used and when it was made!.
Finally you add your opinion of the work!. the things you like about it and the things you dont!. also include whether this artist will influence your work !.
You can find the majority of the information on websites so visit as many as you can and copy and paste that information into word!. then print it out go away and highlight bits which you think are important to include!. then write up a rough draft from that in your own words!. once uve finished correct it a little and read thru it making sure it makes sense then write up!. simple!.
Hope ive helped

sorry i have time to read this much big ones ask shortlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

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h7 g7676Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, the time is 7:11pm
And i need a Report On 'James Gleeson' by tomorrow morning for school!.
I know i should probably do it myself, but i have had a lot of time off school due to the flu, and i dont know ANYTHING about him!.
Apparently he's a famous australia surrealism artist!.

Okay, so it needs to have 300-400 words and needs to be in the words of a 14-15 year old!.

The task is "You are to write a 300-400 word critique on your selected painting or drawing (Does not matter which one) by james gleeson!.

You should:
1!. Cite the Artist, Title, Medium (Oil, graphite, pastel!.etc) and size
2!. Breifly introduce who gleeson is & his achievements as an internationally aclaimed artist!.
3!. Give your opinion on how gleeson uses his imagitive ideas and artistic skills to amaze!.
4!. Discuss the artists choice of media and style
5!. Sum it up by pointing out 3 outstanding aspets of the work!."

And a bibliography if possible

Thank you!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com