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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Doodeling?

Question: Doodeling!?
ok soo i draw flowers zig zags hearts sun moon flowers but i draw te same thing over and over plz help i need new ideas!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hahahahaha i do the exact same thing except with me its swirls and stars over and over and over again!. Try listening to music and drawing the first thing that comes to mind!. Or when ever you catch yourself drawing what you usually draw make it different!. also try people or things that you see!.

I started to draw T-shirts and stuff designs that I thought were interesting!. I also started practicing some things I needed to practice like people and poses!. IF you want to you can also look at some other pictures for inspiration!. Basically anything that makes you think creatively or sends you imagination spinning!. That's what I do although I still like to doodle my swirls and stars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Random body parts like eyes, lips, fingers, etc!.
Or insects!. Or leaves!. Fruit!. Coins!.
The possibilities are endless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should just draw the first thing that comes to you!. Doodles are based on personality and emotions at that time!.!.

Anything!. I draw anything related to music; love; life; and my randomness

be who you are and express how you feel (:Www@QuestionHome@Com