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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How will I get a picture or movie clip onto a negative??

Question: How will I get a picture or movie clip onto a negative!?!?
I have decided to do this project, but basically one part of it is to have loads of film negatives with the pictures developed onto it!. You know a 60s style movie camera!? and the reel would have loads of pictures on the film negative that when played make a movie!? yeah well how can I easily get that effect!? You see I am basing alot of my project on Marilyn Monroe so basically what I am asking is how would I easily make film negatives (or photo negatives made to look like film negatives)with her on it!? It could help if the negatives were an extract from one of her real films, if it was possible, idk!.

Sorry if it is hard to understand, I don't exactly know how to explain but I am sure you have an idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read your question, and reread it a few times, and I am sorry to say that I still do not understand what you're trying to ask!. Did you read it to yourself!.!. or do you speak in this manner!?

Whatever the case, you need to keep in mind that a strip of negative film has an orange cast on it (see here http://photo!.net/learn/orange-negative-m!.!.!. ), it is not usable really to be projected onto a screen!. I think the only exception is the Kodak Vericolor Slide Film--but nevertheless the image will be reverse anyway!.

So you need to use a slide film, i!.e!. Ektachrome!. The professional versions do come in 100 feet spool!. It's expensive, too!.

I am not certain if any of this makes sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com