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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Am i supposed to mix watercolor paint with water?

Question: Am i supposed to mix watercolor paint with water!?
Dont think I'm stupid please, but I have never really painted before, and my art set came with watercolor paint, but no instructions!. Do I just wet the brush and start painting with it, or mix it with water!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I assume it's in tubes and not little blocks!? Mix it with lots of water at first to make the colours very light and then start to use a little less water as your painting progresses!. Try to paint from light to dark!. You probably wont want to use the watercolours straight from the tube except maybe for small areas e!.g!. if you've painted over a little bit which should be white!.

ETA Please don't give up painting if you don't get the results you were hoping for, watercolours are hard to master!. I'm a fine art student and I hardly ever use them because I find them so frustrating!. I hope you'll go on eventually to try acrylics and oils!.!.!.!.much easier :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

get a cup of water, and dip your paint brush in it!.!.!.then get the paint, you just have to get it a bit wet, if you want strong colours, no to much water, if you want it a bit faded and washed out, use a lot of water, but not TOO much or it will!.!.like ruin your paper!.!.if your using paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first for best results get watercolour paper, it does not buckle when wet!. You actually wet the paper thouroughly before you paint on it!. You add water to the paint in your paint tray and then paint with the puddle of colour you have made!. Try tilting the paper to get the paint to run where you want it!. It's fun to experiment!. Just go for it and have fun, no one has to see your artwork, if you don't want!. It's something just for you for now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can do both, it depends on the painting effect that you want to achieve!. I agree with the other answers and advise you to not give up!. There are many ways to paint with watercolors, from paper to watercolor canvas, and you should be able to find your style!. I would advise you to go to Michael's store and get a Walter Forster instruction book, they are easy to follow and not too complicated, and they give you good basics and make success more likely!. If you find that you need more control with your paints, try acrylics or water soluble oil paints!. Wishing you all the best with your new artistic efforts!Www@QuestionHome@Com