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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Good Portrait Photography Tips?

Question: Good Portrait Photography Tips!?
im actually taking a portrait of myself because i have no one to do it for me, and every picture i take, i dont look like myself! it looks very unnatural, odd shaddows and bad lighting maybe!? im just trying to get some good tips on self portraits!.!.

0!.0 anyhelp!?
thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No one to do it for you!? Someone--your family, your friend(s), your boyfriend!? It's almost impossible to take a decent shot of oneself holding the camera foot away--or shooting the mirror image (it looks so tacky)!.

Have someone take your photo!. Go outside, under a cloudy day, under a shade!. Something like this:


When I took a photo of myself--I ended up looking like this!.


Don't hold the camera in front of you!. If you have a tripod, use that with the self-timer!. If you don't have a tripod, you can still brace your camera up with a purse, a pillow, a pile of clothes or anything else soft!. Just don't block the lens!. Now make sure you're not too close!. 6-10 feet away is good!. Light from a window is better than the flash!.
This will take trial and error, but eventually you should get something good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Act natural (aura)!. Don't force your smile!.

Good lighting, white balance!.!.!.ZZZzzzzWww@QuestionHome@Com

Use a tripod and the self timer on your camera!. If no one else is around you may have to play around a little to figure out where you need to be to have the shot come out right!.
Try putting a large stuffed animal where you will be!. Take a few shots and adjust the lighting until you get what you are looking for!. Then you can remove the stuffed animal and try it with yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com