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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Light graffitti?

Question: Light graffitti!?
I'm trying to do light graffitti and I have my ISO set to 100 and my shutter speed set at 40!.
Everytime I take the picture and 'draw' my picture with my light, the picture just shows up black!.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hard to answer really!. So I will ask a couple of questions!.

1) Lens cover off right!?

2) What are you shining the light on!? Is it reflective enough!?

3) Is the light source powerful enough!?

4) Is the 1/40 of the second or 40 seconds!? One you work with the other is in the Flash sync arena!.

Hope these help!.!.!. if not email and discuss the specificsWww@QuestionHome@Com

A faster film , pay attention to your f-stop( that is more important than ISO(film speed) open your shutter to a least 1/15 or slower!.Www@QuestionHome@Com