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Question: Question about a painting!?
this is about Pablo Picasso painting the old guitarist!.

Anyone know good ways to describe the painting the old guitarist in artistic terms!. Like the use of lines, symmetry, color schemes stuff like that!. I need to be able to explain it in artistic terms and im needing help!.

And anyone know lots of websites with useful information on the paintingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's been my experience in writting about art that the goal is having a knowledge in the terms of elements (line, shape, form, value and color) as well as the principles (unity, variety, balance, etc!. see http://www!.msdsteuben!.k12!.in!.us/jrider/e!.!.!. so if you explain the painting using these terms should help!.
I found these just from a google search!.

research his emotions and ideas behind his paintings, as well as the history behind them, that paired with a knowledge of art concepts will be able to make a very nice critique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com