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Question: How do you do this on photoshop!?
how do you do this!?

how do you make the skin clear
the way i do it makes it look like unnatural and like plastic
can you teach me how to do it so it looks more real!?

Note: i got these photos from here

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unfortunately, smoothing large areas of skin on low-res images will look plasticky!.

You're brushing on high-res pixels, and then you have to throw in noise and artifacts to match up with the rest of the image!.

It's usually not worth the effort!.

Your best bet is to start with a large, clean, high-res image where you can remove blemishes individually!.

Use the clone tool and the healing tool!. In my experience the clone tool gives more controllable results!.

Leaving a few blemishes on the face actually makes the job look more realistic -- nobody has completely perfect skin!.

Hope this helps!.

Use the healing brush and blur tool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you use the filters and "reduce noise"

and just tinker with the settings in that it will give you a more CGI kind of feel and no blemishes !.

hope that helped

failing that you can just use the ole Clone brush tool and clone over it so you cant see it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

practice practice practice, study the program, use the program,
become one with the program grasshopper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

use the clone brush !. First you add a little contrast to eliminate some blemishes!.
Then use the clone tool!. Always try toclone the skin that is closest to the cloning part!.Www@QuestionHome@Com