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Question: I want to start photography!?
I am 17 years old and studying philosophy and ethics, history, english literature and phychology for A level!. I also have a part time job and am learning to drive!. I took art for GCSE but didn't continue as wouldn't help in my career as the other options will!. I'm very creative and want to start photography!. Do you think it'll be too much for me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Photography could be something you could do to relax and get away from all your obligations!. When you have more spare time you could concentrate on it more seriously!.

Basically I'm trying to say don't make it a burden on your already busy life!. Ease into it and see how it works out!.

Try this book, one of my teachers used it as our textbook, but it was not something he forced or tested us on, he used it to help inspire our creativity,
"Tao of Photography" by Philippe L!. Gross & S!.I!. Shapiro!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you can do anything you put your mind to!. The only thing is if you get overwhelmed you will have to drop something!. I learned this the hard way!. I am pretty intrested in photography and I think thats awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

photography takes a lot of dedication!. it would be hard for you to keep up all those activities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. 4 A levels is already a lot, and you'll likely be asked to drop one for A2!. So you'll only be doing three!. Plus, I was doing AS Photography, and had to drop it because it was too much work along side my other two A levels!. I had to drop it & I was only doing 2 others, if you're doing 4 others you wont be able to pass them to the best of your ability!. Go slow!. Finish the one's you've started!. Then if you still want to do it, go to a college and do it then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not, you can do it in your own time and it sounds like you'll need something relaxing and involving to take your mind off your studies!.

Try this for some free info to help you on your way:

one the side i think you will be o kayWww@QuestionHome@Com

IMO you should approach photography as a hobby with your already crowded schedule!. This is what I suggest!.!.!.

Buy yourself a nice older 35mm film camera like the Pentax K1000 with a 50mm f1!.7 lens and the Owner's Manual for the camera!. Buy a copy of "Object & Image: An Introduction To Photography, Third Edition" by George M!.Craven!.

The Manual for the camera will help you learn about f-stops and shutter speeds and ISO (formerly known as ASA) as well as how to hold the camera, set exposure, and focus!. "Object & Image" will teach you about light and composition and even more about the things I mentioned that the camera Manual will teach!.

You can shoot Kodak BW400CN or Ilford XP2 Super film for your black & white photography!. Both are 400 ISO and can be developed at any One Hour Lab - just stress that the prints are supposed to be black & white!. Not as much fun as having a darkroom but more practical for your busy schedule!.

For your color photography I suggest either Kodak Portra 160 VC (Vivid Color) or Fuji Superia Reala 100!.Www@QuestionHome@Com