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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What can i do to clean all natural hair paint brushes?

Question: What can i do to clean all natural hair paint brushes!?
i dont have brush cleaner with me and i stupidly left acrylic paint to dry on themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Soak first and remove anything easy first!. Add a little soft soap and grind it between your fingers!. Detergent can help remove a little more of the paint!. For the stubborn paint a little fingernail polish then a wire brush, can help stroke it going with the hairs away from the handle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

white wine or vinegerWww@QuestionHome@Com

White Spirit!. I think they sell it in art shops!. We used to clean our paint brushes with it at college!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Leave them in paint-stripper overnight, brush the excess off with some course wire-wool (wear gloves)
Then wash in warm, soapy water!.
Paint stripper won't damage the brush, although of course, it will remove paint from the handle, I've been using one brush only for stripper for ages, and it's still fine!. French Polishers sometimes put their new brushes (called 'mops') in varnish, then allow them to go hard!. Then clean them with stripper to make them softer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Buy a bottle of brushwash/brush restorer its often a blue coloured and located next to white spirit in DIY stores!. It is formulated to remove most types of paint - paint stripper is too agressive and will damage the brush!. Its best to let the brushes soak in the restorer for at least 4 hours before trying to removes the paintWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is a special artists brush cleaner that works really well!.
Look up a company, greatart!.com and they sell it in tubs!. I would not recommend anything harsh as it will ruin the hair!. You could try softening in really hot waterWww@QuestionHome@Com