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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Colors different in Adobe Photoshop CS3?

Question: Colors different in Adobe Photoshop CS3!?
My pictures look different in photoshop than they do just on my computer!. They look alot lighter!. Is there anything I can do about that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Calibrate your monitor using a Spyder or Huey calibration device is the short answer, then set Photoshop up for the way you work and colour space you want!. Then you will KNOW that what your seeing is an accurate representation of the file information and how it will look when printed!.

Photoshop can work in whatever colour space you have set it up in!.


convert them to sRGB color profile before you save them

edit > convert to profile!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's just on your computerWww@QuestionHome@Com