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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is there any one of graphic members around you lack of understanding their own j

Question: Is there any one of graphic members around you lack of understanding their own jargon (graphic jargon)!?
Some times they interprate the jargon wrongly!. Funny

How do birds not understand what the other birds are saying!? How is it that a bird cannot twitter like other birds twittering!?

To answer this question please state for me your full name and from where univesity or company!. this research is for my thesis, thank you so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, allow me to point out that what some might call "jargon," others would call "technical terms!."

These terms may carry different meaning across different professions, but, within each, the term has a very specific meaning!. The word, "value" may mean one thing to an economist, another to a philosopher and an entirely different meaning to a graphic artist!.

When an arist speaks to another about the properties of color, such as "hue," "value," or "intensity" each one will know, without resiorting to explanations, what the intent of the conversation is!. When an artist communicates with a commercial printer, the proper use of terms can be critical!. To an outsider, the use of "dots per inch," "pixels per inch," and "screen resolution" may be only so much babble, but, for the printed result to be what the artist intends, the fine points mean the difference between success and costly failure!.

If I understand your question properly, the problem is that many people approach graphic design as if it is no more than creating "pretty pictures!." But, this is kind of like a person arguing with a doctor because he "read something online" that does not agree with what the doctor is saying!.

If there is a lack of understanding among some graphic designers, it is due to a lack of training!. I don't necessarily mean that one needs a degree to have the technical understanding, but one DOES need to have the education if he intends to communicate with someone else in the field!.

PPI does NOT equal DPI!. "Photoshop" is NOT a verb!. Large pixels do not make an image "blurry!." This kind of misuse of terms can actually spread, like a disease when someone learns something from another, and neither one has the training to recognize the error!.

And, no, I will not provide my full name, nor the name of my design company!. You will just have to accept it on faith that I AM a !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com