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Question: Non-Profit Organization = Free Graphic Designer!?
So if a non-profit organization wanted a poster design!.!.!.would you design one for free!? (while you are a non-experienced graduate)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely!. Doing free work for non-profit organizations is one of the best ways of getting experience and having your work circulate!. I highly encourage it to students or recent graduates!.

And honestly, even if you have experience in the field you should do a small amount of pro bono work!. Not only is it good experience it's a good way of giving back to your community!. In the past three months I've personally done design packages for two non-profits and am working on a third, and I'm a full-time graphic designer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no most of the time you ask for how much they are looking to spend!. and then do it for that much, never try to bargain with them but you should be getting paid!. i have heard of friends that have gotten paid as much as $500 by a non-profit before!. I have never done design work for a non profit before but would love to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends!. If it is an organization that you support, then feel free to contribute!. It might be a good portfolio piece!. It isn't mandatory to do things for free for any organization!.

Every organization has a budget, and it is important for organizations to advertise!. This all costs money, so!.!.!.!.

Use your discretion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Search the AIGA website for further information and advice!.

Pro bono work should, in my opinion, be undertaken when you are experienced, not as a step to becoming experienced!. NPOs do have budgets for publicity and should be prepared to pay for work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com