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Question: Skin Tone for Portraits!?
Do I have this right!?

Asian skin tone is middle grey, Caucasian skin tone is +1, and African skin tone is -1!.

So, if Asian skin tone is metered at F16, then Caucasian should be F11, and African should be F22!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Close, open up to F11 for African and close down to F22 for Caucasian!.!.!. in some cases it may be 1/2 an exposure as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like you know bestWww@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, I think you have it reversed!.

If Asian is f 16 !.!.!. then Caucasian requires less - thus f 22, African requires more - thus f 11!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, sorry!.!.!. forget this 'formula' stuff as it will not do you any favours and will make a rod for your back!. What you've said makes no sense at all!.!.!. what if you are shining the light off African skin, or you are making a low key portrait of a caucasian!?

Your meter readings change according to the ISO setting and the light level!. So the f-stop can be anything you want it to be, as long as it it counterbalanced correctly by the shutter and ISO combination!.

You need basic advice about how to meter and expose - try this: