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Question: Small House Painting Project!?
Ok!. I have never painted before!. All I know is I need to paint the top and around the border of my Front door (outside) and I need White Paintings! I don't know what I will need and how to use them! Please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's what to do: If the existing paint is peeling, take some sandpaper or a brush and knock off the loose stuff!. If the area is dirty wash it down with hot water and a little detergent!. Don't use Murphy's or fantastic or 409, as they will leave a residue!. If the old paint is peeled down to the bare wood, you should either use a primer or use oil base paint!. Oil base dries slowly and requires gas or turpentine for cleanup!. Latex dries faster and cleans up with soap and water, but isn't as long lasting as oil!. Latex is also cheaper!. Your local paint store can help you decide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If your house is small, use white for the ceiling!. That will give you a less closed in feeling!. Try a soft white/offwhite for the walls and white on the trim to give some depth!. Flat paint will cover up flaws in the wall, eggshell has a slight sheen and is easy to clean, semi-gloss is slightly shiner and gloss is outright shiny!. I would recommend eggshell on the walls and semi-gloss for the trim!. Flat for the ceiling!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My adivce is, talk to some one who knows all about this project!.!.!.Home DePot, Valu, Lowes ---they have all the answers!.!.!.and any project is never cheapWww@QuestionHome@Com

what i would do is go to lows or some place like that, they r very help when it comes to paintWww@QuestionHome@Com