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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photoshop this for me please???!!?

Question: Photoshop this for me please!?!?!?!!!?
Can someone please Photoshop that for me!? I want a fashion-y look like black & white with some color on the flower and maybe some other spots too!. Whatever you think would look good!. And if it's possible, also get rid of the glare on the glasses too!. Thanks so muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is my attempt at photoshopping it:
It is a TinyURL because i kept getting the error 999 when trying to post with the full URL:


Anyways, thats my attempt!.!.!.I just modified a few things (turned to black and white except for the flower, then did a diffusion glow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was bored, aside from the selective coloring (which, as a photographer, I absolutely hate, but I did it just this once since you requested), I performed a complete glamour retouching (I softened your skin, fixed a little hair, made your eyes stand out a little more), I boosted the contrast, added a vignette (the darkened border around you) to remove some of the distractions, and as you requested, removed the glare from your glasses!.

Let me know what you think!
