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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How Do Girls Or Guys For That Matter Do Such Amazing Photography Like This?

Question: How Do Girls Or Guys For That Matter Do Such Amazing Photography Like This!?
How Do These People Do Such Amazing Photography With Just Their Makeup Bags And They Camera Phones Or Digi Camera

I Have All The Makeup I Need And A Camera

But How Do I Do Good Photo Graphy Like This


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The blue colour background would suggest that the pictures were taken with the White balance set to Tungsten,typically a light bulb icon on the camera display!.In the days of film it would have been done by cross processing!.This would have been acheived by using either a slide film processed in C41 chemicals,or a colour neg, film processed in slide chemistry,such as E-6!. The increase in contrast would be achieved by processing at to high a temperature(up to but not above 50 c !.Another way would have been to increase the initial development time by say 30%!.
Nowadays the effect would be easy and more reliably achieved in digital processing!.For example in Photoshop,there would be several ways,especially if the images were shot in RAW format!.
1 Alter the colour balance in RAW,then increase the colour saturation with the colour enhancing sliders,or curves!.
2 Contrl U on the keyboard to enter the Saturation dialogue box and play with Hue,Saturation and Lightness in the RGB mode and each Channel seperately until the desired effect is acheieved( this may take several processes and is best done by using Layers and blending modes!.
There are many effects like this and many ways to acheive them so play is the best way to learn!.If you are new to this get the History Pallette in the Window section and have it on screen so you can flip through the options to and fro!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Happy playing and good luck

PHOTOBUCKET:] DURH!.:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a feature on most photo programs called, "Contrast enhance"

If ya take any normal photo of ya against a wall, w/very colored hair, very colored makeup, or whatever the case, take the photo into the photo shop program, ya can EASILY use the contrast enhance to make it look just like those!

It's super easy & you'll have photos like that in no time :o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

a thousand pounds of makeupWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you think thats amazing, can I recommend that you pay a visit to the opticians!.
The colours are to saturated, poor focusing etc!. They have also been edited with some sort of software also!.

Sorry!. But you did ask!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

balance your histogramWww@QuestionHome@Com

god only knows lemme kno if u find outWww@QuestionHome@Com

They are not great photos!. Poor modelling of faces!. Burnt out highlights!. Dodgy focus!. I agree that the original subject matter had a lot of potential for an interesting photo - just a shame about the actual results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all those are retouched!Www@QuestionHome@Com

with a lot of editing!.!.!.!.! they most probably look very dull when they haven't altered the brightness/contrast/saturation etc of the picture, just like celeb photos!. a good photography editing book will be a first step in being able to do photography like this!. also invest in a good quality digital cameraWww@QuestionHome@Com

Badly Posed: Look Very Uncomfortable!.

Badly Exposed: Highlights Blown!. White Balance Off!.

Bad Hair: Could Have Washed It At Least!.

Horrible Makeup Job: Did They Use A Butter Knife To Apply The Makeup!?Www@QuestionHome@Com