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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Please Tell me what you think of my photos.?

Question: Please Tell me what you think of my photos!.!?
I am 19 yrs old and fixing to start college, i want to major in wildlife photography, i know that these photos are not perfect, i am using a kodk Easy share Digtal Camera!. But this is all i can afford right now!. i'm saving for a better one!. if you could please tell me what you think, I will not take any comments to heart i'm just trying to better myself, so lay it on me!.







Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you tried!.!.!.!. You can't really take great wildlife photos with a easy share!.!. Taking great photos is not just about pointing and shooting!.!.!. You need to get a 35mm SLR!.!. Or a Digital SLR!.!. But, I know you don't have the money!. Taking photo classes will cost you a lot of money!.!. You should look for a good SLR on ebay or something!.!.!. I have a Canon Rebel Ti!.!. Its a great little 35mmSLR!. It would be a great starter for you, if you could find one!.!.!. If you want to just do Digital thats fine!.!. But I think you should take a class with a 35mm with a dark room!. You will have a great time if you do!. Nothing like taking photos and then making them come to life in the dark room!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cute cat, pic a new major!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Flash used for these photos ruined them somewhat!.

Go outside, under a cloudy day, or under a shade, and try again!. Something like these below!.





Might be more difficult with the cat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not very good!. The flash is killing the photo's of the cat!. better to use no flash and a higher ASO
