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Question: Autocad architecture 2008 see through!?
hi, i recently got autocad architecture 08 and i drew a house with the wals and everything, now i need help on how to make the walls not translucent (see through)!. the walls shows lines from other walls when i look at it in the front view!. please helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
So!.!.!. I will have to guess a few things as you haven't gone into detail!. When you say that you have drawn the house I will assume that you mean with 3d elements!. In this case al you need to do is select hide, shade or render from the view menu!.

"Hidden" actually means hiding what is behind by being the same colour as the background!. "Shaded" is same as hidden but with simple tonality and colour!. "Rendered" means a image calculated from the material, lighting and angle of surface with respect to a certain point of view (camera)!.

You can switch between these first two, hide and shade, as you rotate the camera using the 3d orbit command!. To move around a rendered image however needs movement to be generated frame by frame!. There are 'virtual reality' styled programs which can do this in realtime but that is another Q&A session altogether!.!.!.

Now if you have only used lines or polylines to create a wireframe you need first to add surfaces for the house to appear solid!. This can be done by giving lines thickness, drawing 3dfaces onto the wireframe or by creating 3d solids or parametric elements using the work you have done so far as an outline to guide you!.

The final option is to create the model to be used in a 3d rendering program like 3DS Max!. The easiest way to do this is to give lines with thickness!. This means that from a plan you can directly generate the walls!. This is very quick to update later directly from AutoCAD!. Then use polylines drawn either clockwise or anticlockwise as either the floors or ceilings!.

Hope the clears things up!.!.