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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Need help identifying a machine that duplicates drawings that you make with a st

Question: Need help identifying a machine that duplicates drawings that you make with a stylus!.!.!.no idea!.!.!.but need help
mkay!.!.!.my stepfather insists that there is a machine that you can either buy or make that reproduces things that you draw with a stylus!.!.!.

he says there is a system of pins, and you can trace something three dimensional with a stylus, and the machine will move a regular pen around on a piece of paper and draw it!.!.!.

i have absolutely no clue what he is talking about, and it sounds impossible the way he is explaining it!.!.!.but if i don't figure out what the hell he is talking about i'm going to be told i'm stupid until he gets another retarded machine in head for me to search for online!.!.!.

it's entirely possible, and rather probable, that he is just making **** up and thinks that it's real!.!.!.i don't know!.!.!.i'm just trying to figure out if this type of machine exists so i can get him to shut up about it for the most part!.!.!.

if anyone can help i will appreciate it greatly!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He's talking about some sort of Pantograph!. I had a toy one as a kid that would draw skewed, enlarged, or shrunken versions of what I traced!.

It took me a while, but I found the toy version!. It's called a Sketch-a-Graph!.Www@QuestionHome@Com