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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is there among you someone who makes drawings?

Question: Is there among you someone who makes drawings!?
Hello friends,
I am recording my first album and for the booklet of presentation, I need a drawing!.!.!.
Is there someone first who knows this pencil art and then who would accept to do it free of charge!? I confess I have no money for this beginnig to pay the person!.!.!. but in the name of, and love for art!.!.!.
It is quite urgent, please answer me!

Thank you to all of you who will read my request and answer to it!

Have a nice day!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Check out artwanted!.com for artists looking for jobs etc!. also contact your local college-you'd be surprised at what talent you can find in their art dept!. I freelanced all through college and the private artschool I went to-sometimes for minimum just to get the chance at the job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you knew anything about art, you would know that it takes a lot of time to draw!. Not a lot of people will give you their time and artwork for no compensation!. I'm sorry to say, but if you were to be famous one day, someone who wasn't paid for their work might sue you because they contributed to your fame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com