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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What font does the Apple site use? What fonts look similar?

Question: What font does the Apple site use!? What fonts look similar!?
Does anyone know the name of the font Apple uses for it's website, or if there's a signature Apple font!.

If so, what are some that look similar!? Where can I find them!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Their css says:

"Lucida Grande", Geneva, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif"

Not sure if you know what css is or understand what that means, sooo !.!.!.

CSS, aka cascading style sheets, is the language programmers use along with HTML to style web pages!. The way this is written means that if you have Lucida Grande on your computer, that's the first choice the browser will display!. If not, then it will use Geneva, and so on!. If you don't have any of the fonts listed, then it will default to a sans-serif font you do have on your system!. Using any of those fonts would be similar to what you see on the Apple website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com