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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Child porn to be take action?

Question: Child porn to be take action!?
i report it on yahoo answers and on some child porn report webpages
the fbi page and 1 or 2 days pass
and i still see it on there!
the girl has NO shirt on she is covered with a jacket on her front
but her back is bare naked and (shes advertising harley davidson i think the photographer is trying to submit her photo to harley)
i see other pics on this photographers website is of nude picsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could print out a screen shot of the image and march it down to your local police!. If they still don't do anything, I'd say you tried your best and its out of your hands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my god, report it to the police, not on the internet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hear what you are saying however, nudity in advertising may not be appropriate but it's not pornography!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the site is abroad their Laws apply, the FBI can only act if the site is in the USA!. If the site is in Europe they will pass the URL on to the relevant authorities!. It will take a lot longer than 2 days to trace where the site is located and 'raid' it if it is in the USA, and they have to gather the evidence which will stand up in the Law Courts for prosecution first!.
