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Question: Circus photo shoot ideas!?
I want to do a photo shoot with a circus theme!. More vintage than modern!. Any ideas on how to do this!? It will be done with black and white film!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Walk and shoot, shoot and walk, do it all, take a million shots!.

Think outside the box!.

Don't shoot for others, shoot for yourself!. Only try to please you!. Experiment with your camera, take chances, different ways of looking at this over shot theme!. What you want to strive for is not to be like everyone else, but rather yourself!. Thats a lot harder to do then most think!.

Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated!.

551 - 479 BC





First you have to find a circus! Had to say it! You will need some willing help!. Have someone dress up like a clown, a juggler, a ring master!. Maybe go to the zoo and get some pics of elephants and tigers, ect!. BUt probably be best to find a real circus and enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com