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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is stained glass fusable?

Question: Is stained glass fusable!?
I have a bunch of stained glass scraps that were given to me and I was wondering if it is fusable!? I was wanting to make pendants!. The peices aren't marked so I have no idea what company they are from!. Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes and no!. Since you don't know where they're from, you probably shouldn't fuse different types together!. But you could fuse one color at a time!. I had a ton of stained glass when I started fusing!.!.!.I would cut 1 inch squares and stack 3 up and turn each piece so that the corners weren't lined up!. They turned into a complete circle!.

One thing though, when you fuse stained glass, the colors don't always stay true!. I had a really pretty clear and white mottled that turned completely white!. I would try a little blob of each kind of glass you have and see how it turns out!.!.!.you wouldn't want to waste all the time cutting and firing if it's going to look like crap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com