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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Good, Bad or Ugly? Talent or not?

Question: Good, Bad or Ugly!? Talent or not!?
Look at as many as you want and comment on my photography!. Do you think I have potential!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is not necessary to look!. Potential can be cultivated, and everyone has the potential to be greater than they think they are!.

You and photography are no different!.

Apply yourself, commit to lifelong learning and expansion of your skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say that you have potential!. Remeber though- to find that one in a million shot, you may have to take a million pics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pictures are good but actually making money from them!? I don't know!.

If you enjoy taking pictures keep it up!.

This is my Flickr page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u people are best keep up the good work u can be photographerWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes you have potential!. join a photography club and take a course or two at your local community college!. post a link to one or two images for critique and develope a thick skin critiques can be brutal!.!.!.but very helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like them, and as art I'd consider them!. You have talent, but remember, what is one man's art, is another man's mess!.
You just got to find your audience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some are pretty good! I like the photos of children the best, but there were some good nature photos as well!. Try to avoid putting the main subject dead center!. You have potential!. Keep shooting!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you have great talent!. I would suggest trying more black and white photos, and try catching people who aren't posing!. It looks more natural!. I once saw a photo of an elderly couple sitting on a bench waiting for a bus!. It spoke volumes!.
Keep it up!.!. you do very good work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

gorgeous!! i love the last shot!.!.!. i think those are called devil's trumpets!? i forget, i had some in my last yard :)

I would say some real potential! You find beauty in ordinary circumstances and places which to me is the sign of a real "eye" for photography!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very pretty!.!.!.always remember there will be someone better than you and there will be someone worse than you!. We can not please everyone!. Beauty is all around, some people just have trouble seeing it!. Your eyes and photography skills may help them!. What type of camera do you use!. Have you taken photo classes or entered any of your photos in contests in your area!? Best of luck!.!.!.!.you can do it! Dont give up!. There is good money in that if you can get involved with the right people!. For me, I have to travel to the bigger cities in order for people to see my photography, I just have a little Kodak from Walmart but for some reason people really like the farm landscapes I take, the country!.!.!.lots of farming and country life around here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com