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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is topological dressmaking?

Question:This question has strayed into Sculpture. But here is your answer: Topology (Greek topos, "place," and logos, "study") is a branch of mathematics that is an extension of geometry, it relates to the nature of space and has many uses. One of them is topological dressmaking which, visualizing spatial structures, allows a variety of dress designs to be produced from one basic fashion mode. The basic design is a three layered basic geometric model from which a variety of shapes can be visualized in order to produce a dress or other outfit in different materials suitable for different purposes like fashion display, TV, adverts., etc. .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This question has strayed into Sculpture. But here is your answer: Topology (Greek topos, "place," and logos, "study") is a branch of mathematics that is an extension of geometry, it relates to the nature of space and has many uses. One of them is topological dressmaking which, visualizing spatial structures, allows a variety of dress designs to be produced from one basic fashion mode. The basic design is a three layered basic geometric model from which a variety of shapes can be visualized in order to produce a dress or other outfit in different materials suitable for different purposes like fashion display, TV, adverts., etc. .