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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Have you heard about this artist who tied a dog up as a "piece of art?"

Question:There is a video below: WARNING! Graphic images.

What are your thoughts and opinions?

I think it's sick and this man is not an artist, he's an animal abuser.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is a video below: WARNING! Graphic images.

What are your thoughts and opinions?

I think it's sick and this man is not an artist, he's an animal abuser.

Bloody hell. Did you see its back? The poor creature, that's really terrible to think that happened. How on earth can people request his art?! It's so medieval - is this a new type of bear-baiting or something?!

He should be stopped, not encouraged!

[edit] I, too, did some research and it WASN'T A HOAX, but the dog is apparently alive - it was still tied up for 3 hours each day though, before it reportedly escaped. The intention to trap a dog like that is terrible in itself though, I'm still appalled at an animal having to face this.

I feel sick.... how could people look at that and NOT do anything.....

shame on them and HIM

I can't bring myself to watch the video, but anyone hurting animals, especially dogs, is just disgusting

Edit; I did some investigating to find the petition and sign it; apparently the whole thing was a hoax. The dog is alive and perfectly healthy. The artist responsible wanted to highlight how the population are concerned over one dog being used as a piece of art, but dont care about the thousands of dogs on the streets in south America.

Its sick and wrong. People can't do that! he thinks its art?!!? i'm shocked...its so sad.

I couldn't watch it after the first 30 seconds...and quite frankly don't advise anyone else to click to the link, either, despite your warning. The Q in itself is enough, I feel you should delete the link.

I watched the video and wondered about the people standing around watching this. What would they have done if this was a child? I don't believe animals are better than people, but how is killing a living creature art? If he's trying to present some major point about inhumanity, then he's proven it. He's also proven he has no humanity. I'm not sure what's worse, that he did this or that he's been REWARDED for doing this!

I made sure to sign the petition and then e-mailed the link to several people to add their voices.

I don't want to even watch the video cause I know it will depress me. I hate seeing stuff like that. Animals are not toys or things that you can do whatever you want with. Anyone who thinks so is seriously in need of some help.

I hadn't heard about it until now.
That is absolutely horrible and that man should be tied to that rope himself and left to die.
Why was he not charged with animal cruelty?

That is sooo horrible. We should not watch that video and make it more popular.

Well, I can tell you that I'm NOT in the least an animal lover (I'm afraid of all animals, seriously), but this was SOOOOO sad to watch.

I don't wish anything bad on anyone or anything, especially animals!!!

ANIMAL ABUSER INDEED! That is cruel! It amazes me that people can go around and harm animals with out a care in the world!!

you HAVE to be KIDDING me...


WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE.... what is wrong with Costa Rica!!!!!


I have a feeling that this is a hoax. I have heard something similar before, not involving animals but something else which was designed to court controversy if not national or even international outrage. If the whole concept of such a devious plan is supposed to be "art" it hasn't required any more artistic concept than a clever marketing campaign has it?

i couldn't watch it. I've heard about and it disgust me. he should be starved to death

I got to 55 seconds before I felt my breakfast rising into my esophagus and rage boiling in my veins. How dare he be allowed to do that and consider it "art." He's a disturbed individual and whomever praises that as art is just as sick. He deserves to be tied to a rope with no way of getting food or water. See how he likes.

Edited: I pray that this is a hoax as some suggest, but even the possibility that it isn't makes me sad.