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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which bird photo do you like best?

Question:I plan on entering one of these into a competition, but don't know which one to choose. A few have been cropped, but most have been untouched.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I plan on entering one of these into a competition, but don't know which one to choose. A few have been cropped, but most have been untouched.

I like the male house finches, also.

It might depend on the contest rules, though.

Also, be sure to have a thorough understanding of who owns what rights to any submitted or winning photo before you enter any contest.

i like the male house finches!

I like Caution and the Male House Finches. If I had to pick one it'd be the finches. Very nice photo! I hope you win!

The robin.
I like the one the other two answers suggested but the focus isn't quite on it that shot.
It's real nice in the robin one though.
Good luck!

I like the male house finches. It might be cool to make the photo into a contrasty black and white in photoshop and then bring out the red on their chests. But they are all nice photos,
good luck.

I viewed them all and they are great, however, hands down winner would be for the Male Mallard....Great color, clarity, and centered perfectly.

I like the male house finches. It almost looks like the one in front is looking in a mirror.

I like the one titled "Caution"

Nice side view,I like.


The male house finches, the "mirror" effect adds an extra element...even though I have a soft spot for the mallard.

I think the two images of the finches are the better choice. Between them, the image of the two would be my number one choice.

I like the robin best.

Definitely the robin.

Male House Finches.

It has the unexpected element of two birds in one shot along with using a different perspective angle than the other "straight on" shots.

male house finch.. is great!