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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Airbrush??

Question:my mom wont let me get one for computer modding because she doesnt think that there not for people of my age how can i convinse her to let me have one? she let me use spraypaint by myself and i tried to tell her an airbrush is just like spraypaint but she wont listen

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my mom wont let me get one for computer modding because she doesnt think that there not for people of my age how can i convinse her to let me have one? she let me use spraypaint by myself and i tried to tell her an airbrush is just like spraypaint but she wont listen

its probably because of how much an airbrush costs and thats why she wont invest in one. you can tell her that harbor frieght sells a cheap ten dollar airbrush and you can also get a small air compressor for cheap at harbor freight as well.

You don't say how old you are.

The above answer about price may be a deciding factor...but don't waste your time with cheap airbrushes! They are more trouble than they are worth!
Maybe if you Saved your own money and have your mom pay half?
A good airbrush (Iwata or Medea) will run you about $110 for just the airbrush. Then you need an air compressor and paints and a hose... to get started with good equipment I'd say be ready to spend at least $350. has some good prices. look into an Iwata-Eclipse-CS-HP it's a good gravity feed airbrush that will last you forever! Also look into a DVD on airbrush maintence and basic techniques.
Airbrushing is cool - but it takes practice to get's an awkward tool.
And painting with a spray can is only similar to "single-action" airbrushing. a good airbrush is 'dual-action'

Do some research. Educate yourself on the equipment and techniques before you invest.
THEN - approach your parents with the idea. Have a plan of what you're going to do with these tools...don't just say, "I could do so much with it!" Let them know exactly what you could do with it. is another good resource for articles.
good luck

The Pasche series offers a wide range of models that will fit into a beginners budget. You also have to figure in the price of an air source. I think this is where the problem is, cost.

A decent kit to start with can run you 80 to a 100 bucks. Don't waist your time on compressed air get a compressor. You can pick up a small twin tank at Advance Auto Parts for 80 that is more than you'll need.

You didn't mention how old you were so I'm willing to bet you're a younger dude/ dudette so here's my advice. Show her you're willing to work for it. Do extra stuff around the house, get a paper route, cut grass if you can, whatever. The point is you're showing her you're serious about it and she may be willing to work with you more. It will also shoe that you can be responsible. Airbrushes aren't toys they're tools. You'll have to take care of it and keep it clean if you want it to last.

Good luck.