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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photography Tips Please?

Question:Hi, I'm Liam age 12 and I have just bought a Sony Cybershot DCS-W55 digital camera. I'm planning to take photos of flowers, beach views and holiday snaps. I really need some tips for this so that I know how to take a good photo like how to hold the camera and what I need to do to make a photo look good and where to put people in a photo. Mind you i'm not numb so I don't really want something like 'put the person you are taking the picture of in the middle' because I want something that I might not know already and something that will actually help me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi, I'm Liam age 12 and I have just bought a Sony Cybershot DCS-W55 digital camera. I'm planning to take photos of flowers, beach views and holiday snaps. I really need some tips for this so that I know how to take a good photo like how to hold the camera and what I need to do to make a photo look good and where to put people in a photo. Mind you i'm not numb so I don't really want something like 'put the person you are taking the picture of in the middle' because I want something that I might not know already and something that will actually help me.

Yahoo Chats has many great chat rooms for Sony photographers. They will send you daily e-mails on how to improve your shots and other useful tips. I am already in the Canon 40D chat room and also the Nikon D-300 chatroom. I get a lot of great tips and advice, probably 20 e-mails a day. I haven't met any "predator's there yet....just a bunch of nice people with great ideas and tips. They also have photo contests and encourage the members to submit there works for critique...(don't's all good) Good luck Tiny.

Hold it reli still and dont wobble. y dont u get a stand for yur camera that is easier and it wont wobble
Hope this helps

Hi TinyLiam,
If you really are 12 then go join a camera club bcoz there are many predators here

it you really are a predator, I hope you get caught

I agree that you should join a photo club, hold camera steady but watch out if your are trying to hold it to steady you will cause yourself to shake, make sure light sorce is always infront of what you are taking and not behind it, say your photographing a reson the sun should be in their face and behind your back not the other way around, for really good photoe try to capture people and things doing natural stuff and not poseing for the camera, if possable always use a flash, there is so much more to learn and a class can help you, sure you may want to center your subject but alot of times the picture turns out alot cooler if the subject is kind of off to one side. play with it and practice to see what you like. GL! HTH!

1st tip is to use a tripod that will prevent camera shake giving clearer pictures
people always seem to stare at the camera so try taking pics when they are unaware of you, they will appear more natural and talking of people onbserve their background so as the end result doesnt appear like they have a tree growing out of their head
simple things but will help
the best tip is to enjoy taking photos
good luck

always make sure you have the light behind you not in front or your photo will be dark ,good luck & just enjoy taking photos.Everyone makes mistakes & the good thing about digital is that you can delete & do it again