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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What are the major arts exactly?

Question:In a television ad Michaelangelo is stated to have been superior in three of the major arts. I know he was a painter and sculptor - what is the other and what are the other "major arts"?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In a television ad Michaelangelo is stated to have been superior in three of the major arts. I know he was a painter and sculptor - what is the other and what are the other "major arts"?

Vasari considered Michelangelo as being a major Painter,Sculptor,Draughtsman(Drawing was a separate skill to Painting and usually only taught to Silver and Goldsmiths).Architect and Poet,so I would leave you to decide,as each Arts discipline argues it's case for it's own end.

Literature. Music. Painting.

music, drawing, literature, acting, dancing, pretty much anything. there isn't really "major" arts. you have the "fine arts"... that would be instrumental, porclein, painting, stitching. anything in high detail.